Cranbrook, Devon
1,035 homes
25 acres of employment

Carden Group acquired Treasbeare Farm, Cranbrook in 2021. The land was identified as an allocation for development in the draft Cranbrook Plan DPD
An outline planning application for ‘Treasbeare Garden Village’ was submitted to East Devon District Council in July 2022
The proposals included 1,035 homes, 25 acres of employment space, local centre, primary school, sports hub, SANGS and allotments.
Working closely with local stakeholders, Cranbrook Town Council and East Devon District Council planning permission was resolved to be approved in February 2023, 7 months from submission of the application.
Treasbeare Garden Village design was inspired by the Garden Village placemaking principles and community engagement providing:
- A range of mixed-tenure homes, a wide range of local jobs in within easy commuting distance of homes.
- Beautifully designed homes combining the best of town and country to create a healthy community.
- A natural environment, enhancing the existing green infrastructure network and net biodiversity gains, and using zero-carbon and energy-positive technology through the district heating system.
- Cultural, recreational and shopping facilities in walkable, vibrant, sociable neighbourhoods.
- Integrated and accessible transport systems, with walking, cycling and public transport designed to be the most convenient forms of local transport.
If you’re interested in realising the potential of your land, please contact us on: enquiries@cardengroup.com